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16 March, 10:15
The Mayor of Perm Dmitry Samoilov hold a meeting with the OSCE representatives

The preparation for 18 March Presidential elections in Russia was discussed at the meeting.

The Mayor Dmitry Samoilov hold a working meeting with Dr Hans-Heinrich Rieser (Germany), the member of Election Observation Mission from Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

The OSCE Election Observation Mission has been invited by the Russian Government for the period of presidential elections.

According to Mr Rieser  over 400 short-term observers  will be deployed  in different Russian regions.  In the Perm Region the elections will be monitored by five or seven groups, 2 or 3 groups will be deployed in Perm City.  The observers  are planning to visit the polling stations at their opening as well as move around various polling stations during the voting,  and will finally be present while closing of polls and counting of ballots.

As Dmitry Samoilov noted, the local authorities and the election administrations at various levels are taking every effort to ensure an efficiently organized voting. 

“There are over 750,000 electors in Perm and we have to ensure the relevant and secure environment for voting. We have already set up 408 polling stations at 227 premises, all equipped with the video surveillance and metal detectors and everything that is required by the law.  We hope for high civic engagement of the residents on the election day as it is the most important political event for the country”, said the Mayor. 

Additional information: 

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the largest world-scale organization dealing with a wide range of security-related issues and bringing together 57 participating countries of North America, Europe and Central Asia.

Recognizing the democratic election as the basis for legitimate rule, OSCE carries out election observations in 57 participating states as well as supports authorities in their efforts to improve electoral processes by reviewing election-related legislation and providing technical expertise.

Following an official invitation from the Russian Government, on February 5, 2018 the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has deployed an Election Observation Mission in Moscow for the 18 March presidential election.
